Monday 16 March 2009

The cameras are out, best do my hair!

Sunday was scheduled to be the Televised day for Thundersport GB so if I didnt get on the podium today I would be dissapointed that I had peaked a day early. So I tried to focus on where I could loose some time around the track. With the conditions much calmer and the sun breaking out I couldnt exactly blame the weather so it was all down to the rider.
I knew that with Dan Hopkins falling off twice yesterday he would be more than up for the races and Richard also seemed quicker than me almost everywhere apart from a few corners.
I trundled onto the grid for the first race and saw a line of grid girls on the front row. If only I had been a few seconds quicker, not that I would have looked of course. But I managed to regain my focus and watched for the lights. I got off to a blinding start and saw both Rich and Dan dissapear behind me. I didnt want to push too hard for the first few laps but I tried to stay with the JP riders for as long as I could. But it wasnt long before they were back on me and past me.

Dan seemed to be gone very quickly but once again Rich was in sight. I pushed hard, finally breaking the minute barrier on lap 8 but it wasnt enough . I crossed the line in 3rd but I was more than happy with my efforts.

The last race went pretty much the same way but with Dan and Rich getting better starts it almost seemed a foregone conclusion. I did begin to catch them toward the end but I caught a back marker at the wrong moment and lost a lot of time through the Bus Stop. So once again I crossed the line in 3rd.

Luckily there were no interviews as I seem to forget how to speak when it does happen. Alex picked up two more trophies on Sunday and Leigh was happy to make it through the weekend unscathed. However his bike does need a little work now. Also congratualtions to Poppy who rode well all weekend in the Streetfighter B class.

Unfortunately that is my racing season over, until June that is. When I will be back for the Oulton Park round.

Well atleast I can say I lead the championship at some stage, I think? I'm still waiting on the sheets to be published.

See you all in June, and dont forget to watch MotorsTV on Monday 30th March at 7pm to vouch for the bullshit I write on here. My memory does get a little blurry when racing. Channel 413 on sky folks.

Bye for now.


The best awning in the paddock. Pictured left to right, Ian Popplewell(17), Alex Hutchinson(77), Leigh Hutchinson(15) and Myself(86).

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